Education Aid

20 March 2018

1. Cooperation with Indonesian Ministry of Industry
Tereos FKS Indonesia have donated for several Vocational High School (SMK) in Cilegon, namely SMK Prima Mandiri, SMKN 2 Cilegon, SMK YPWKS, dan SMKN 1 Cilegon.

Schools participated in the donation are also provided by Indonesian Ministry of Industry some training programs. In the programs, the students will be exposed to work training, internship, or borrowing lab equipment from Tereos FKS Indonesia (MoU still ongoing).


2. 23 Set of Computers for SMK Prima Mandiri
Computer lab facility at SMK Prima Mandiri hasn’t completely supported its students’ needs. At the beginning of 2016/2017 term, the school has received assistance from the government in a form of computer set. Unfortunately, the school got robbed in 2016, and the students need to join other schools to complete the computer-based national exam.

The computers were given by Prio Utomo (Plant HR & Safety, Health & Environment) and Sekar Ayu Advianty (External Affair Manager) on 18th July 2017 at SMK Prima Mandiri, Cilegon and received by the headmaster of SMK Prima Mandiri.


3. 12 set PLC for Electrical Engineering of Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA)
Our company has upgraded its PLC type and no longer utilizing the older version. The PLC sets are still in very decent condition and can be utilized to support teaching and learning activities in Electrical Engineering faculty of Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA).

The PLC were given by Achmad Firdaus (EIA Supervisor) and Sekar Ayu Advianty (External Affair Manager) on 15th February 2018 at Electrical Engineering faculty of Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA), Cilegon.


4. Hot Plate Stirrer for SMKN 2 Cilegon
Hot plate stirrer is one laboratory equipment which is needed for chemical subject in school. The donation of hot plate stirrer can help the learning and teaching activities in SMKN 2 Cilegon.

The hot plate stirrer was given by Yoke Novitasari (Cilegon Factory Branch Director) and Sekar Ayu Advianty (External Affair Manager) on 20th March 2018 at SMKN 2 Cilegon.


5. Mini Lathe Machine for SMK YPWKS
Mini lathe machine is one laboratory equipment which is needed by the Mechanical Major in SMK YPWKS Cilegon. The mini lathe machine can improve the school facility and help the teaching and learning activities.

The mini lathe machine was given by Yoke Novitasari (Cilegon Factory Branch Director) and Sekar Ayu Advianty (External Affair Manager) on 3rd May 2018.


6. Amperemeter Flux for SMKN 1 Cilegon
Amperemeter flux is one laboratory equipment which is needed in Electrical Engineering. 2 units of amperemeter flux can improve its facility and help the teaching and learning process.

The amperemeter flux units were given by Yoke Novitasari (Cilegon Factory Branch Director) and Sekar Ayu Advianty (External Affair Manager) on 3rd May 2018.