Corporate Social Responsibility

We are focusing on social programs with a long-term goal to inspire & create new opportunities, to bring direct and sustainable impact for the local communities.


Contributing in making the world a better place

We believe that the presence of Tereos FKS Indonesia in a community should results in an impactful enhancement in quality-of-life.


Increasing sanitary and hygiene awareness early on have become core priorities to minimize the risk of sanitation-related health issues

On Thursday, 2nd August 2018, Tereos FKS Indonesia attended the Awarding Ceremony of FKS Foundation Scholarship Program...

During August 2018, Indonesia suffers from a series of earthquakes. South Nusa Tenggara (NTB)...

Tereos FKS Indonesia through FKS Foundation and cooperated with Research Directory and...

To increase the continuous improvement of Indonesia's education, we contribute by donating...

We express our gratitude to the local communities by giving contributions, such as Mosques Repainting...

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